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Theodore May
Executive Presence and Presentation Skills
In advance of your presentation, be sure to review all of the Media you intend to use. This is your script.
Review/proof read your deck if you have one:
Spell check
Check all hot links, embedded audio, and videos
Provide attribution where required for data, images, audio, etc.
Check the format of all slides for consistency: font, size, margins, slide transition, etc.
Number all slides
Date and "watermark" slides with Copyright or Confidential notice
Add your name, title, & contact info to the last page
Review/proof read all hardcopy handouts/leave behinds as above:
Make sure you have enough copies
Is your core Message stated clearly in all media and included in more than one place?
(You may refer to the Presentation Perfect app for a more complete media checklist.)
Theodore May
Internal Communication Strategies for Business
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